Online and visual resources
During Covid- 19 I suggest this as a useful resource from the NHS with information about how to stay mentally well whilst at home and managing Covid 19 worries
These are mainly United Kingdom based but please do check for similar websites for other nations. I have listed my top ten websites first. If you are currently in distress do look at my top 4 websites.
Samaritans – containing all the contact details if you are feeling suicidal, low or alone there is always someone at the end of a telephone or email.
An international organisation working to listen to people and help prevent suicide worldwide.
Mind is a major organisation providing support to individuals with mental health difficulties as well as providing information leaflets and campaigning.
This is a UK national charity aiming to prevent young suicides. They have a HOPEline 0800 0684141 and the website opposite.
My Mental Health Mates is an organisation started by Bryony Gordon. It is all about peer support and promoting well-being with group walks arranged in many locations in the United Kingdom.
9. Counselling organisations
ACTO – Association of Counsellors and Therapy online
British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy
ACA – American Counselling Association
AGCA – Australian Guidance and Counselling Association
NZAC – New Zealand Association of Counsellors
This is a politically neutral campaigning organisation that engages with hundreds of thousands of UK citizens to give a political voice to citizens' concerns. It allows you to sign petitions and support campaigns you believe in but not those you disagree with. You can also start your own campaign and lobby your MP on issues using support from 38 degrees.
Other Web Resources
There are many websites for specific situations and conditions. I suggest searching for relevant ones, however do remember everyone is an individual and experiences situations differently. We are all more than the label’s we have.
https://www.giveusashout.org/ - or in Uk text 85258 -
Shout is the UK’s first 24/7 text service, free on all major mobile networks, for anyone in crisis anytime, anywhere. It’s a place to go if you’re struggling to cope and you need immediate help.
I have noted a very short list below of other useful websites and visual resources.
ABC – anorexiabulimiacare.org.uk
Anorexia Bulimia Care is a very useful organisation that includes a carers’ support line .
Age UK – ageuk.org.uk
Support, information and advice for individuals in later life.
Citizen Advice Bureau – citizensadvice.org.uk
Online free advice from Citizens Advice to help you find a way forward, whatever the problem.
Carers UK – carersuk.org
Support for carers in the United Kingdom.
Disability Rights UK – disabilityrightsuk.org/how-we-can-help
An organisation where disabled people are working for equal participation for all.
National Autistic Society – autism.org.uk
A vast range of information, campaigns and resources for individuals with autism and their supporters.
Rape Crisis – rapecrisis.org.uk
An organisation for support and action for victims of sexual abuse and sexual violence.
Royal National institute for the Blind – rnib.org.uk
Royal National Institute for the Blind
Royal national institute for the Deaf – actiononhearingloss.org.uk
Royal National Institute for the Deaf
Scope – scope.org.uk
Scope exists to make this country a place where disabled people have the same opportunities as everyone else.
Stonewall – stonewall.org.uk
Stonewall campaigns for the equality of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people across Britain.
Proud 2 Be-https://www.proud2be.org.uk/
A social enterprise supporting LGBTQ+ young people their families and adults in Devon and beyond. They also offer great awareness training sessions.
Ted Talks
The description on the website says it all. It can be useful to search for talks relating to your situation and interests.
"TED is a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks (18 minutes or less). TED began in 1984 as a conference where Technology, Entertainment and Design converged, and today covers almost all topics — from science to business to global issues — in more than 100 languages. Meanwhile, independently run TEDx events help share ideas in communities around the world."
TED (Our Organisation Accessed 7th July 2017)
Silenced - The hidden story of disabled Britain
This is an incredible BBC 2 documentary looking at attitudes and prejudice towards people in Britain who have a disability. It is very moving and thought provoking about all our ablist prejudice and what happens if you are not ‘perfect’. I found the campaigners for equal rights to be very inspiring . They assert that every life matters and should have an equal chance to be lived. I can only support this whole heartedly. Everyone Matters.
The Last Leg
There are many television programmes exploring the experience of individuals and thinking about mental illness and well-being, I have chosen to give a link to the Channel 4 programme ‘The Last Leg’. It is a topical comedy show airing at 10am on Friday nights that started initially to cover the London 2012 Paralympics. It contains topical events, adult humour, compassion and a very positive source of identity for individuals with disabilities.

There are many apps to support with mindfulness and depression. I recommend Virtual Hope box as a positive example. I suggest researching and checking what you would like from an app and finding the one that is the best fit. If the app is free try it and if it doesn’t work for you delete it and keep searching. I would also recommend looking at the Catch It app as discussed on the Kindermann and well-being page of this website.
Week planner – there are many apps out there to enable you to keep a diary or plan your week. If you are feeling life is very hectic and you have no time for you or to complete everything you need, a week planner can help. Think about what you have to do and when, i.e. having to be at work or providing care or attending a lecture at certain times, block these times out. Then look at when you have positive time for you to see friends or engage in a hobby or exercise. This is something that could be completed in a shared way during an online counselling session. Try to find a time each week to think about the week ahead and what you want to plan in. Do remember that other events can occur so it is not always possible to keep to a plan.
Download your free weekly planner template below.